Tuesday, July 19, 2011

ZOMG..the end is near hooray!!! :D

Had my ortho appointment at 4:30 pm yesterday and was notified that I will have them off in 5 weeks! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So 4 weeks from now, I'll get verticals then 1 week after that it will be the final/de-bracing appointment :)

In other news, I got silver on top and rainbow assorted colors on the bottom in celebration of the de-bracing notice haha. I've had just silver all over for the past few months. I think maybe I got light pink in February but I can't recall. Oops! Anyways...

Pics later! Sorry. I'm so bad with this whole updating/posting/keeping up. At least I'll put up all the pictures I have soon granted there are probably a few months missing here and there. Eeeeek :P


Random but important side note: Sometime late May/early June my gums were getting infected where my wisdom teeth were. So I had to make an emergency appointment and got all 4 wisdom teeth taken out at Northern Virginia Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates (NVOMSA) with Dr. Labriola as my oral surgeon.

Surgery took literally 10-15minutes and Dr. Labriola said my appointment went so smoothly because all 4 of my wisdom teeth were already fully erupted. So the 2 top teeth were regular extractions and the 2 lower were surgical. Mushy food for about a week and I was doing alright until I ripped something on the top left tooth and had to go back for a few stitches. Anyways, just glad that they are all out now.

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