Monday, October 04, 2010

Swollen Gums and Possible Infection?.. What?

Haha Hi,

Going in at 2pm for an emergency appointment.

Damn snaggletooth. I think it might be the source of the growing pain.. When they put a bracket on the tooth, it was placed higher than usual to force it to come forward. Because of this, the gum around my canine is receding and placing itself around the bracket (on the silly tooth). Looks awkward, feels awkward, and IS awkward. Must. Be. Fixed.

Anyhow..I mention that because roughly 4 days ago, I started to feel a tickle in my throat. Assumed it was the early signs of a sore throat or cold. But slowly, strange pain and tenderness spread throughout the left side of my mouth and even around my ear. Right now, I'm having trouble drinking water and getting sleep was incredibly difficult. Going to take a wild guess and say it's because of the misplacement of the bracket and irritation of the gums. Whatever the problem is, it really sucks and hurts. Hoping that a small fix at the ortho will make all the pain magically go away!

Ortho was planning to move the bracket into a better position on my next appt. (which would have been the 13th @ 9am), but it might just happen today... We will see!

Sigh. Bye, Binna.

Pic: Silver on top, Gold on bottom (makes my teeth look...yellow lol)
See gum is swollen/enflamed and over the bracket. Gum by canine is totally receded. Sadface.

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