Tuesday, July 19, 2011

ZOMG..the end is near hooray!!! :D

Had my ortho appointment at 4:30 pm yesterday and was notified that I will have them off in 5 weeks! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So 4 weeks from now, I'll get verticals then 1 week after that it will be the final/de-bracing appointment :)

In other news, I got silver on top and rainbow assorted colors on the bottom in celebration of the de-bracing notice haha. I've had just silver all over for the past few months. I think maybe I got light pink in February but I can't recall. Oops! Anyways...

Pics later! Sorry. I'm so bad with this whole updating/posting/keeping up. At least I'll put up all the pictures I have soon granted there are probably a few months missing here and there. Eeeeek :P


Random but important side note: Sometime late May/early June my gums were getting infected where my wisdom teeth were. So I had to make an emergency appointment and got all 4 wisdom teeth taken out at Northern Virginia Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates (NVOMSA) with Dr. Labriola as my oral surgeon.

Surgery took literally 10-15minutes and Dr. Labriola said my appointment went so smoothly because all 4 of my wisdom teeth were already fully erupted. So the 2 top teeth were regular extractions and the 2 lower were surgical. Mushy food for about a week and I was doing alright until I ripped something on the top left tooth and had to go back for a few stitches. Anyways, just glad that they are all out now.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Swollen Gums and Possible Infection?.. What?

Haha Hi,

Going in at 2pm for an emergency appointment.

Damn snaggletooth. I think it might be the source of the growing pain.. When they put a bracket on the tooth, it was placed higher than usual to force it to come forward. Because of this, the gum around my canine is receding and placing itself around the bracket (on the silly tooth). Looks awkward, feels awkward, and IS awkward. Must. Be. Fixed.

Anyhow..I mention that because roughly 4 days ago, I started to feel a tickle in my throat. Assumed it was the early signs of a sore throat or cold. But slowly, strange pain and tenderness spread throughout the left side of my mouth and even around my ear. Right now, I'm having trouble drinking water and getting sleep was incredibly difficult. Going to take a wild guess and say it's because of the misplacement of the bracket and irritation of the gums. Whatever the problem is, it really sucks and hurts. Hoping that a small fix at the ortho will make all the pain magically go away!

Ortho was planning to move the bracket into a better position on my next appt. (which would have been the 13th @ 9am), but it might just happen today... We will see!

Sigh. Bye, Binna.

Pic: Silver on top, Gold on bottom (makes my teeth look...yellow lol)
See gum is swollen/enflamed and over the bracket. Gum by canine is totally receded. Sadface.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Epic fail on keeping up with my blog...but I'm back!

Holy crap.
Prepare for a ginormous posting.

It's been around 9 months since my last post. Been a wild and crazy ride through the fall, spring, and now we're midway into the summer season. Gosh, my apologies for not keeping up!

Anyhow, lets get back to toothy business (wow, I'm so lame..heheh). So right off the top of my head, three big updates over the past several months.

1) Remember the tooth that got extracted back in May 2009? Well, all 4 teeth to the left of the original gap have all shifted over to make room for my snaggle tooth. You know, the one that is just chillen in the top-left-back like I have a 2nd row or teeth or something.

Literally, over a majority of the 9 MIA months...I felt like a serious hillbilly with a giant gap that just continued to get bigger up until now. Ortho appointments consisted of a lot of powerchains, rubberbands, weird metal loops in my mouth. The metal loops have been tearing away at the insides of my lips, ughhhh!

2) On 6/30/2010, they removed the screw that was put in my gums back in June 2009. This was only because it came loose and I called in to see if it needed tightening. Turns out I didn't need it any longer at all, so they just took it out.

3) I went in for my regular 4-6wk appointment today. My famous/snaggletooth got a bracket put on it today and tied to the main wire! Wahoooooo...and the home stretch begins.

Can't even begin to emphasize how ready I am to get these suckers off!!!

Oh, before I forget... one of the main reasons for failing to keep up with my blog is because my camera broke during the Halloween weekend. I was in Vegas, where anything goes (including the byebyetime for my camera, ugh). It just triggered this 'lack of motivation' to post and/or update my blog.

But I promise I'm back and will try to get an update of photos for you. After I was left cameraless, I tried to keep up by taking pictures on my cameraphone. So I'll see what I can scrap up from those.

Note: Always have silver bands on the top row of my teeth. I'll also add the dates of my past appointments when I post next.

November 2009- Can't recall.
December 2009- Green/red for Christmas
January 2010- Silver all over I think
February 2010- Some sort of pink probably for Valentine's day
March 2010- Green (hehe, thanks Jubiejub)
April 2010- Dark purple on bottom I think
May 2010- Can't recall
June 2010- "Passionate pink"
July 2010- Orange

When I can muster up any and all photos within this time frame, I'll make sure to make a giant photos post! And also if I can remember any other strange updates.

Oof, teeth are sore... gotta go find some aspirin. Alright! Glad to be back on my blog again.

Ciao, Binna. (:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Well... hello there!

Don't worry... I didn't forget about my blog. I've just been rather lazy about posting on the regular.

It's been so long that I can't even recall when my past appointments since my previous post were. I've had silver ties for the past 2-3 months. The ortho has just been focusing on moving my one tooth forward and had it tied to the wire to bring it up.

My most recent visit to the orthodontist was on 10/2/2009. I put on silver ties on top to remain somewhat discrete. However, since it IS october...I found it appropriate to put orange and black on the bottom. They've finally attached the tooth on the right of my right front tooth to the wire (I don't know the name of that tooth...I'll look it up later) .

I'm going in again at the end of the month on 10/26 because I am heading to Las Vegas for halloween... and I wanted to have the more subtle silver ties back on. Yeah......

Anyhow, I can't think of anything else to post today.

Pz, Binna.

Pic: Silver on top, Halloween'ed out on bottom. I'm so fly. Teeth are really starting to straighten out. Woohoo!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Funky canines, Powerchains, Crooked smiles... oh what fun!

So I definitely had an appointment at the end of July. I think it was on the 27th or the 29th, but I'm not sure. When I do remember, I'll change this post up a little.

I went with silver ties til the next appointment, because they are more discrete on my braces (if that makes sense). They are still pulling that one canine towards the back of the teeth to make room for the tooth that is pushed back. In order to get that canine moving, they added a power chain behind all that weird springy stuff that's tied to the screw up in my gums.

Other than that, there isn't any real painful news or insane updates on my braces. Hoping to see some changes soon enough! Because the canine is getting pushed back into place, I feel like my crooked upper row seems so much more prominent when I smile. I can't wait until they start to really straighten out so I can be more confident in my smile! It's so weird how my upper row is displaced to the left so much.

I'm considering whether I want to stick to more clear-type or less noticeable ties from now on, as I will be trying to get an entry-level job out in the real world. Somehow, I don't think bright pink or alternated color ties would work well in interviews, hahaha!

I'll put up a photo sometime this week...as I have misplaced my USB cord for my camera!

C ya later, Binna.

Pic: Silver ties as I told you. The crooked tooth next to my front teeth on the left for the image. You can see a yellow plastic tie that is tying the tooth to the wire to bring it forward. (:

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Throwing some rubberbands into the braceface mix!

Okay! I had my appointment at 12 noon today and it seems like pain-wise...the treatment will be all downhill from here. On the upside, I guess that means my teeth will start trekking their way to 'straight-dom' soon enough. Hah~

When I walked in for my appointment, I decided to be festive with my choice of ties this month. This is obviously because the 4th of July holiday is coming right around the corner. I requested for clear blue ties on the top (as to remain somewhat discrete about my braces, hahah!). However, the dental assistant said she didn't have any and proceeded to use light blue ties. Oh well, what can you do. As for the bottom row, I got a red and blue mix. I always tend to regret my creative choice of ties after I get them on, but since its only for a month...I suppose I can deal with it!

It seemed like any other regular visit, and I was on my way out the door until the dental assistant stopped me. She had forgotten to give me rubberbands. I couldn't help but think to myself that ugh!... I was so close to exiting the building. Sigh.

Anyhow, she put on the rubberband and handed me a little packet full of all these tiny rubberbands so I can replace it daily. It definitely constricts my mouth and unlike other rubberband placements I have seen, mine is shaped in a triangle. This will eventually adjust my minor crossbite I have on the right side of my mouth.

As per usual, I have attached a photo to show what kind of funky junk I will be cheesing off to the world this month!

Enjoy and take it easy, Binna.

Pic: Here are my colorful ties and the rubberband they have placed in the shape of a triangle in the back right. Sadface :(

Friday, June 19, 2009

Its been awhile since I posted...

Whew, time sure does fly... and I have definitely been lazy about updating my braceface blog.

Let's see what I can recap about the past few months:

4/20/09 - got clear blue ties
5/29/09 - went to my dentist Dr. Pham to get my upper-right bicuspid extracted :(
6/10/09 - was my orthodontist appointment for this month; had a screw implanted into my gums; picked out clear blue ties again

That's basically what has happened over the course of the past few months.

The tooth extraction went pretty smoothly, with little to no pain during the quick procedure. However, I did have a sore throbbing pain later on that stayed with me the remainder of the day.

As I mentioned in my little ortho-summary, last Wednesday I went in for my post-extraction orthodontist appointment. The doctor hand-implanted a screw into the upper right side of my gums, and boy did it hurt like hell. I don't think he used enough novacaine to numb me out completely since I definitely felt pain on top of the immense pressure.

The screw will be used to tie groups of teeth that they can pull back so my teeth can shift more quickly than if they were to pull back one tooth at a time. Afterward, the doctor gave me some Peridex (an antibiotic) to apply to the area where the gums are in order to prevent infection. Its been really irritating and painful to have to get adjusted to this random chunk of metal just hanging out in my gums. This is particularly because the screw rubs against the inside of my cheek and has been keeping that area raw. I hope that the inside of my cheeks callous up soon so that it won't bother me for much longer.

Anyhow, in more cheerful news... my bottom row is really beginning to straighten out a lot! I know that my upper row will take a LOT more work, but I am so psyched to start seeing results up there!

I will try to stay on top of updating this blog every month like I should be~
Only a 1.5 years left to go!!!

See you later,

Pic: These were all taken on 6/19/2009. You can clearly see how all the metal gear I've got on sometimes makes me feel like Frankenstein!! @_@!!

Here's just a front view of how they look right now!

This is the upper-right bicuspid that was extracted...as you can obviously tell from the huge gap hahaha~

This is where they implanted the screw :\ ...it still hurts a bit.

Peridex. This bottle looks so illegally made, haha.