Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Epic fail on keeping up with my blog...but I'm back!

Holy crap.
Prepare for a ginormous posting.

It's been around 9 months since my last post. Been a wild and crazy ride through the fall, spring, and now we're midway into the summer season. Gosh, my apologies for not keeping up!

Anyhow, lets get back to toothy business (wow, I'm so lame..heheh). So right off the top of my head, three big updates over the past several months.

1) Remember the tooth that got extracted back in May 2009? Well, all 4 teeth to the left of the original gap have all shifted over to make room for my snaggle tooth. You know, the one that is just chillen in the top-left-back like I have a 2nd row or teeth or something.

Literally, over a majority of the 9 MIA months...I felt like a serious hillbilly with a giant gap that just continued to get bigger up until now. Ortho appointments consisted of a lot of powerchains, rubberbands, weird metal loops in my mouth. The metal loops have been tearing away at the insides of my lips, ughhhh!

2) On 6/30/2010, they removed the screw that was put in my gums back in June 2009. This was only because it came loose and I called in to see if it needed tightening. Turns out I didn't need it any longer at all, so they just took it out.

3) I went in for my regular 4-6wk appointment today. My famous/snaggletooth got a bracket put on it today and tied to the main wire! Wahoooooo...and the home stretch begins.

Can't even begin to emphasize how ready I am to get these suckers off!!!

Oh, before I forget... one of the main reasons for failing to keep up with my blog is because my camera broke during the Halloween weekend. I was in Vegas, where anything goes (including the byebyetime for my camera, ugh). It just triggered this 'lack of motivation' to post and/or update my blog.

But I promise I'm back and will try to get an update of photos for you. After I was left cameraless, I tried to keep up by taking pictures on my cameraphone. So I'll see what I can scrap up from those.

Note: Always have silver bands on the top row of my teeth. I'll also add the dates of my past appointments when I post next.

November 2009- Can't recall.
December 2009- Green/red for Christmas
January 2010- Silver all over I think
February 2010- Some sort of pink probably for Valentine's day
March 2010- Green (hehe, thanks Jubiejub)
April 2010- Dark purple on bottom I think
May 2010- Can't recall
June 2010- "Passionate pink"
July 2010- Orange

When I can muster up any and all photos within this time frame, I'll make sure to make a giant photos post! And also if I can remember any other strange updates.

Oof, teeth are sore... gotta go find some aspirin. Alright! Glad to be back on my blog again.

Ciao, Binna. (: