Friday, October 16, 2009

Well... hello there!

Don't worry... I didn't forget about my blog. I've just been rather lazy about posting on the regular.

It's been so long that I can't even recall when my past appointments since my previous post were. I've had silver ties for the past 2-3 months. The ortho has just been focusing on moving my one tooth forward and had it tied to the wire to bring it up.

My most recent visit to the orthodontist was on 10/2/2009. I put on silver ties on top to remain somewhat discrete. However, since it IS october...I found it appropriate to put orange and black on the bottom. They've finally attached the tooth on the right of my right front tooth to the wire (I don't know the name of that tooth...I'll look it up later) .

I'm going in again at the end of the month on 10/26 because I am heading to Las Vegas for halloween... and I wanted to have the more subtle silver ties back on. Yeah......

Anyhow, I can't think of anything else to post today.

Pz, Binna.

Pic: Silver on top, Halloween'ed out on bottom. I'm so fly. Teeth are really starting to straighten out. Woohoo!