Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Throwing some rubberbands into the braceface mix!

Okay! I had my appointment at 12 noon today and it seems like pain-wise...the treatment will be all downhill from here. On the upside, I guess that means my teeth will start trekking their way to 'straight-dom' soon enough. Hah~

When I walked in for my appointment, I decided to be festive with my choice of ties this month. This is obviously because the 4th of July holiday is coming right around the corner. I requested for clear blue ties on the top (as to remain somewhat discrete about my braces, hahah!). However, the dental assistant said she didn't have any and proceeded to use light blue ties. Oh well, what can you do. As for the bottom row, I got a red and blue mix. I always tend to regret my creative choice of ties after I get them on, but since its only for a month...I suppose I can deal with it!

It seemed like any other regular visit, and I was on my way out the door until the dental assistant stopped me. She had forgotten to give me rubberbands. I couldn't help but think to myself that ugh!... I was so close to exiting the building. Sigh.

Anyhow, she put on the rubberband and handed me a little packet full of all these tiny rubberbands so I can replace it daily. It definitely constricts my mouth and unlike other rubberband placements I have seen, mine is shaped in a triangle. This will eventually adjust my minor crossbite I have on the right side of my mouth.

As per usual, I have attached a photo to show what kind of funky junk I will be cheesing off to the world this month!

Enjoy and take it easy, Binna.

Pic: Here are my colorful ties and the rubberband they have placed in the shape of a triangle in the back right. Sadface :(