Friday, June 19, 2009

Its been awhile since I posted...

Whew, time sure does fly... and I have definitely been lazy about updating my braceface blog.

Let's see what I can recap about the past few months:

4/20/09 - got clear blue ties
5/29/09 - went to my dentist Dr. Pham to get my upper-right bicuspid extracted :(
6/10/09 - was my orthodontist appointment for this month; had a screw implanted into my gums; picked out clear blue ties again

That's basically what has happened over the course of the past few months.

The tooth extraction went pretty smoothly, with little to no pain during the quick procedure. However, I did have a sore throbbing pain later on that stayed with me the remainder of the day.

As I mentioned in my little ortho-summary, last Wednesday I went in for my post-extraction orthodontist appointment. The doctor hand-implanted a screw into the upper right side of my gums, and boy did it hurt like hell. I don't think he used enough novacaine to numb me out completely since I definitely felt pain on top of the immense pressure.

The screw will be used to tie groups of teeth that they can pull back so my teeth can shift more quickly than if they were to pull back one tooth at a time. Afterward, the doctor gave me some Peridex (an antibiotic) to apply to the area where the gums are in order to prevent infection. Its been really irritating and painful to have to get adjusted to this random chunk of metal just hanging out in my gums. This is particularly because the screw rubs against the inside of my cheek and has been keeping that area raw. I hope that the inside of my cheeks callous up soon so that it won't bother me for much longer.

Anyhow, in more cheerful news... my bottom row is really beginning to straighten out a lot! I know that my upper row will take a LOT more work, but I am so psyched to start seeing results up there!

I will try to stay on top of updating this blog every month like I should be~
Only a 1.5 years left to go!!!

See you later,

Pic: These were all taken on 6/19/2009. You can clearly see how all the metal gear I've got on sometimes makes me feel like Frankenstein!! @_@!!

Here's just a front view of how they look right now!

This is the upper-right bicuspid that was you can obviously tell from the huge gap hahaha~

This is where they implanted the screw :\ still hurts a bit.

Peridex. This bottle looks so illegally made, haha.